
Career Transition Services

Outplacement Services

At WeApply, we understand that job loss can be a difficult and stressful experience. That’s why we offer comprehensive outplacement services to help your employees transition to their next career opportunity.

Our outplacement services include:

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Career Transition Services

WeApply’s Outplacement Services

Not only is it the right thing to do for your employees, but providing outplacement services can also benefit your company. Studies have shown that individuals who receive outplacement assistance have a higher success rate in finding new employment, with some statistics showing a success rate as high as 80%. 

By helping your laid off employees with outplacement services, you can ensure they are able to find new employment quickly and move on, while also maintaining a positive reputation as an employer who cares about its workforce.

We work with individuals at all levels and from all industries, tailoring our services to meet the unique needs of each client. Our goal is to empower professionals with the tools and resources needed to land their next job and move forward in their careers.

 Contact us today to learn more about our outplacement services.

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