Listing career accomplishments on your resume can help your resume stand out. And in today’s competitive job market, it’s important to not only list your skills and experience, but also showcase how you’ve grown and advanced in your career through career accomplishments. Resume accomplishments can be the key factor that sets your resume apart from the rest and impresses a hiring manager.

In this post, we are sharing a list of 20 questions to ask yourself to help identify your best work-related career accomplishments to add to your resume. By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of how to showcase your career achievements on your resume and stand out to potential employers!

Career Accomplishments For Resume: 

Career accomplishments are what set great resumes apart from good ones and can win over a hiring manager. We recommend focusing on the last 10-15 years and providing quantifiable career achievements in dollars, sales, percentages, or other numbers.

To help identify your best work-related career accomplishments, here are 20 questions to ask yourself:

  1. What is your biggest professional achievement in the past 12 months?

  2. Have you been recognized as the first person to accomplish something in your role?

  3. Have you won any awards in your role? What was the award and what were the criteria?

  4. What project have you accomplished recently that helped the company or organization make more money or achieve another goal?

  5. How have you helped your employer expand their business?

  6. Have you ever saved your employer money? How much and in what way?

  7. Have you ever increased productivity in your workplace? How did you accomplish that?

  8. Have you ever implemented a new system or process in your workplace? What was it and what was the outcome?

  9. Have you ever mentored or trained a colleague? What was the outcome?

  10. Have you ever taken on a leadership role in a project or team? What was the project and what was the outcome?

  11. Have you ever successfully managed a budget? How much and what was the outcome?

  12. Have you ever successfully managed a team or group? How many people and what was the outcome?

  13. Have you ever successfully managed a crisis or difficult situation? What was it and what was the outcome?

  14. Have you ever made a significant impact on customer satisfaction? How and what was the outcome?

  15. Have you ever successfully launched a new product or service? What was it and what was the outcome?

  16. Have you ever successfully entered a new market or geographic area? What was it and what was the outcome?

  17. Have you ever successfully increased sales or revenue? How much and what was the outcome?

  18. Have you ever successfully decreased expenses? How much and what was the outcome?

  19. Have you ever successfully increased efficiency or productivity? How and what was the outcome?

  20. Have you ever successfully developed and implemented a new strategy? What was it and what was the outcome?

By answering these questions, you will be able to uncover your greatest career accomplishments and showcase them in your resume. Remember that your resume should be a story of your professional achievements and how they can benefit your next employer. When you can demonstrate how you’ve made a positive impact in your past roles, you’ll be more likely to land your desired job. 


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