If you’re an introvert looking for some career tips, you’re in the right place! If you are an introvert like me, you may feel like people do not necessarily appreciate what you bring to the table all the time. In reality, there can be many stereotypes or untrue assumptions about introverts. However, you can use your strengths as an introvert as your secret superpower. Want to learn how? Simply follow these four easy career tips for introverts.

Harness Your Super Strengths

If we’ve learned one thing over the years from superhero movies, it’s that seemingly everyone has some manner of trait that stands out from the rest, a way to distinguish themselves. This tends to be true for introverts too. In fact, these traits often slip beneath the surface.

While all introverts certainly cannot be lumped into one category, you will find that there are some skills that tend to be more represented in introverts that are more likely to be missing in our extroverted colleagues. For example, introverts are more likely to be introspective and detail-oriented. Do you tend to pick up on nuances while others instinctually start talking? These may be some of your own super strengths.

There are many other strengths that are often associated with introverts, such as empathy, self-motivation, thoughtfulness, and written communication. To find out your own introvert super strengths, just take some time to reflect on the skills you have that stand out and make you distinct from your colleagues.

Tell People How You Like to Communicate

Have you ever been frustrated because people communicate with you in a manner that isn’t most effective? This can be a common area of frustration for many of us. However, did you ever express your preferences for communication? Most of us do not even think to do this, but it can be an important way to improve communication and productivity.

The reality is that we tend to communicate with others in ways that we prefer to be communicated with. However, if someone knows how you best communicate, they are able to adjust their approach. Talk to your teammates and coworkers about how to communicate with you most effectively. While doing so, be sure to ask how they prefer you to communicate with them.

This can help you to find communication styles that work best for your office relationships. It is a great way to start working towards our third step as well.

Build Those Relationships

One of the best career tips for introverts is to build relationships. Almost everything comes down to effective relationships. You may feel like extroverts have a leg up in building relationships; however, many introverts can be skilled relationship builders as well. In fact, while extroverts are often able to bond with many people, introverts have the advantage of being able to build deep relationships more easily.

Be strategic in your relationship building. Think about people who you would most like to build relationships with and work on that. There are many ways that introverts can begin this process. Think about opportunities for collaboration or cross-functional work. Additionally, assess your own preferences for relationship building. Maybe you prefer one-on-one or small group conversations.

Relationships can help you navigate the company culture, learn about future opportunities, and excel at getting things done. We share more on this in our blog post ‘3 Networking Tips For Introverts.’

Set Aside Time to Recharge

Perhaps the biggest myth about introverts is that they don’t like social situations. While this can be true with some introverts, it is not the definition of the personality type. In fact, introverts may even greatly enjoy social situations. In reality, introverts use energy in social situations while extroverts gain energy from social situations.

Thus, if you are an introvert, it is very critical that you take the time necessary to recharge your batteries. A great way to do this is to block time off on your calendar for independent work. This can be particularly effective after meetings. Working to space meetings apart when possible is another good strategy.

Blocking your calendar can also help you get more things done instead of succumbing to meeting fatigue. People will respect you when you are focused on work. Ultimately, following these four steps can help you harness your inner introversion and make it your superpower!

Those are the 4 Career Tips For Introverts!

Always remember, being an introvert is a superpower! When it comes to your career, it’s about being comfortable in your own skin, and interacting with others in a way that feels natural and allows you to be effective. If you are a talented professional who is looking to move up in your career, grab your free copy of the Job Promotion Cheat Code here.

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