Browsing CategoryJob Promotion

How To Ask For A Raise: Convincing Your Boss You’re Worth More

Asking for a raise can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. In this blog post, we share 4 ways to help you approach the conversation with confidence! Asking For a Raise Tip 1: Change your mindset about money.  It’s important to recognize that your skills and talent are worth more. Before you can convince your employer, you need to convince yourself….

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How To Negotiate Your Salary with Confidence 

Negotiating your salary can be a daunting task, but it’s an important one. A 2018 Robert Half Study found that only 39% of people negotiate their salaries, and of that 39%, only 34% are women. In this blog post, we will share with you salary negotiation strategies to negotiate your salary with confidence! Right Mindset First and foremost, it’s important to have the right mindset…

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7 Strategies to Advance Your Career in a Competitive Corporate Environment

Do you want to learn how to advance your career? The corporate world can be a challenging and competitive environment. Whether it’s for a raise, increased responsibility, or job security, standing out at work is essential. Here are seven strategies that will show you how to advance your career in a competitive corporate environment: By implementing these strategies, you can increase your value to your…

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How to Write a Winning Resume

You’ve got the skills and experiences necessary to excel in the job, and you know that if you can just get half an hour to chat with the hiring committee, you’ll be able to build a great case. However, there is one barrier between you and this chance – your resume. Many of us have finely tuned resumes that we’ve worked on for years. Others…

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How to Ask For a Promotion While Working From Home

Since the dawning of the pandemic, an increasing number of people have begun working from home. While this has many benefits, it can prove to be a bit difficult in some situations. One of these situations involves having important conversations with a supervisor, such as requesting a promotion or a raise. If you are a remote worker that is asking for a raise or promotion,…

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Things To Do During the First 90 Days as a New Manager

The first 90 days in a new leadership role mark a critical period of transition. As a new manager, it’s entirely normal to experience a mix of excitement and apprehension when starting on this journey. Especially if you are an introvert at work. The desire to make a positive impression and establish strong connections with your team is paramount. However, many individuals find themselves uncertain…

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Things to Consider When Asking for a Raise or Promotion

Asking your boss for a raise or a promotion is potentially a big step in your career. However, it can also be very uncomfortable. Here is a short guide to help you approach the process of asking for a raise or a promotion.  1. Do Some Journaling As we’ve noted, asking for a raise or promotion can be uncomfortable. After all, many of us are…

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Top 4 Myths Stopping you From Getting Promoted

If you think that one day, any day now, you’ll be getting a promotion, the reality is that there may be a few things you are doing (or believing) that can actually keep you from your goal. Let’s take a look at the top four myths that stop you from getting promoted and what to do instead.  “Great Work Speaks for Itself” We often like…

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5 Ways to Stand Out at Work

The corporate environment is often one filled with competition. This can often make it feel like you are drowning while trying to distinguish yourself. There are various reasons you may want to stand out at work including a desire for a raise, being able to take on more responsibility, or simply to improve job security. Here are five ways to stand out at work.  Be…

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