Meetings are a crucial part of leadership, yet they often leave many voices unheard. Some employees hesitate to speak up because they feel unprepared, worry about being judged, or simply don’t think their input is valued.
Browsing CategoryLeadership
The Ultimate Guide to Leadership Excellence: Strategies and Practices for New Managers
Discover essential strategies and practices for new managers. Empower your leadership skills today with this guide to leadership excellence!
Fake It ‘til You Make It Doesn’t Work
Have you ever heard someone express, “Fake it ‘til you make it?” This is a fairly popular cliché that essentially encourages imitating confidence and competence until you develop it. It can be seen as a way of getting something without putting in the effort. While it is a catchy-sounding phrase, the reality is that fake it ‘til you make it doesn’t work! Don’t get me…
5 Leadership Tips for Introverts
Ready for some leadership tips for introverts? We’ve got you covered! Let’s face it, introverts tend to make great leaders! While I may be a bit biased on this topic, research has confirmed that many of the strongest leaders possess skills like relationship building, empathy, and attention to detail, things introverts are often quite successful at. If you are a talented introvert that is planning…
Corporate Coaching Shouldn’t Only Be for Executives
Over the years, I have had many discussions with managers and other emerging leaders who expressed that they could not access career coaching services within their organizations. The reason being that they were not currently executives. This is unfortunate for the strong talent pools of an organization because it hinders their development. In reality, workplace coaching shouldn’t be limited to just executives. Limiting corporate coaching…
Career Tips for Introverts: Make Introversion Your Superpower with 4 Simple Steps
If you’re an introvert looking for some career tips, you’re in the right place! If you are an introvert like me, you may feel like people do not necessarily appreciate what you bring to the table all the time. In reality, there can be many stereotypes or untrue assumptions about introverts. However, you can use your strengths as an introvert as your secret superpower. Want…
How to Ask For a Promotion While Working From Home
Since the dawning of the pandemic, an increasing number of people have begun working from home. While this has many benefits, it can prove to be a bit difficult in some situations. One of these situations involves having important conversations with a supervisor, such as requesting a promotion or a raise. If you are a remote worker that is asking for a raise or promotion,…
Leading Introverts: 5 Ways to Empower Introverts on Your Team
Being a successful manager requires a lot of thought and planning. While there are myriads of things that managers must think about, one thing that does not necessarily get enough attention is how to lead people with different personality styles. Introverts can have some reasonably unique work needs that managers can adjust to help empower them to be as productive as possible. With this in…