Do you ever feel uncomfortable in meetings because you don’t feel like you can actively participate? For some people, meetings may simply be so participative that they don’t feel they…
Posts TaggedIntrovert at Work
How to Build Confidence in Your Career
Looking to build confidence in your career? Confidence is something that truly does not get enough attention when it comes to personal and professional development. However, confidence can be key…
5 Leadership Tips for Introverts
Ready for some leadership tips for introverts? We’ve got you covered! Let’s face it, introverts tend to make great leaders! While I may be a bit biased on this topic,…
4 Ways to Appear More Confident During Job Interviews
Job interviews can be incredibly stressful, particularly if you are really excited about the opportunity before you. It is perfectly fine to be nervous when interviewing. In fact, surveys have…
6 Ways to Thrive in Your Career as an Introvert
If you are an introvert, you’ve probably heard so many stereotypes about yourself. After all, many people misunderstand the distinction of being an introvert, ambivert and extrovert. The reality is…