How To Get Hired Fast? Start By Defining Your Job Search Target

If you’re wondering how to get hired fast, we’ve got some insights for you.

“I’ll take any job!” We hear this line from well-intended professionals seeking work. Often, they’ve tried everything to get hired but they have not taken the first step of establishing a clear target.

Without a defined job search target, you can find yourself spending lots of time applying for random positions that may not align with where you want to be in your career. You need to know what kind of opportunity you want! In this blog post, we explain 4 steps to define your job search target and get hired quicker. 

Having a specific employment target is a MUST when looking to get hired

The first step in attaining any goal is to define the goal. Defining your job search target will help you develop an effective strategy to market yourself and get hired. Here are some things to consider in narrowing down your job search target:

Step 1: Know Thyself

If you want to learn how to get hired fast, you first need to take time to assess your current situation. Look at where you are now and determine what aspects of your career you are satisfied and unsatisfied with. Knowing and understanding where you are now will help you in identifying where you want to go. During this process, list your current skills, professional experience, academic achievements, and talents.

Here are questions to ask yourself in this step:

  • What are my values?
  • What am I good at?
  • What do you love doing?
  • What did I like or dislike in my current or last role?

A website like ONET Online can help you with establishing your skills and strengths.

Step 2: Target Industry 

It’s essential to identify the specific industries you are targeting. This will help in your research as you will look up current trends and future forecasts.

Here are questions to ask yourself in this step:

  • Which of your skills and transferable skills are sought for in this industry? Is this specific industry thriving or on-demand, or is the field shifting?
  • Where are they located? Is this industry located in your area? Will the location be a deal-breaker to you? Is it an industry that provides work-from-home options?

The Job Bank can help you research specific industry trends and needs.

Step 3: Target Companies or Organizations

Create a list of 15 to 20 target companies. Based on your established industry, you will create a ‘Wishlist’ of companies you would like to work for. Do some research and get to know about their products, services, customers, and values. 

You will also be able to develop a list of people who work at these companies that you can connect with. Here is a job search action plan that includes a social connections worksheet that can help you keep track of these contacts. 

Here are 3 questions to ask yourself in this step:

  • What companies are found in the target industry? Do you prefer to work for large, structured corporations or smaller ones? 
  • What is the company culture like? Do you like a family-friendly environment, or do you flourish in a Startup environment where you could be asked to fly across the country at any time?
  • What qualifications, experience, and knowledge do you have to offer the market? What do you have to contribute that sets you apart from other candidates?

Our blog post on how to research a company during your job search can help you at this stage.

Step 4: Target Specific Roles

Make a list of specific job titles/roles you would like to have. Different organizations may use different terminology for similar positions, LinkedIn’s Career Explorer can help you research job titles and descriptions to help you narrow down your search. 

You Should Now Know How to Get Hired But if You Need Help. . .

The research may seem daunting, but by following these steps, you will be able to focus your job search efforts more strategically, which will save you time and energy in the long run.
Some other things that you will need to consider include work routine and environment, compensation, and opportunities for career advancement. WeApply offer job search coaching services that can help you attain your career goals quicker!

Learn how to get hired by working with Lissa at We Apply Canada Career Coaching
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