If you find yourself thinking ‘I need a career change’ you’re in the right place! Many people find themselves wondering when they should begin looking for a new role or new career. Perhaps you are unsure if you are ready for greater responsibility. Maybe you don’t know the perfect time to pivot to a new industry. Here are five signs that you might need a career change.

You Dread Going to Work

Don’t get me wrong, there is likely no job where you will enjoy everything you have to do. However, you should generally enjoy your work life. Unfortunately, many people begin to experience a sense of dread when thinking about workplace obligations.

If you are in this spot, it may be time to consider a career change. There are many things that can cause this feeling such as a bad boss, a toxic workplace, or simply a role that is incompatible with your interests and skills. Finding a place where you enjoy your work and feel fulfilled with what you do will help you improve your quality of life and well-being.

You are Perpetually Unmotivated

Maybe you don’t hate your job but instead don’t find yourself excited to get things done. Do you often procrastinate tasks? Do you find yourself taking frequent breaks instead of knocking out projects?

If these are the case, it is likely that you’ve simply become bored with your work and you need a career change. Looking for new opportunities can help you reintegrate enjoyment into your work life. When looking for positions, look at the descriptions and see what seems exciting.

It Impacts Your Life Outside of Work

Work life balance is critical for being able to enjoy life. If you find that your work is causing problems in your personal life, that is a huge sign that it is time to start looking for new opportunities.

There are so many important things in life such as relationships, friendships, family, and hobbies. If you don’t have time to engage in and enjoy these things because of the time committed to work or stress caused by it, it may be time to pivot.

You Feel Stuck

You may need a career change if you feel stuck. Do you feel like your current role is not presenting you with enough challenges? Do you feel stifled and unable to develop professionally? Has your job become something you feel you could do in your sleep?

If your answer is yes, it is a good sign that you are ready for a more challenging opportunity. Consider chatting with your supervisor about opportunities for promotion or simply looking for ways to advance at other organizations.

You Make a Good Salary but are Still Unhappy

While people often say money can’t buy happiness, having enough money to do the things you want should allow you to otherwise cultivate happiness. If you are satisfied with your pay but still find yourself unhappy, your job may be the culprit.

It never hurts to put feelers out with your contacts and see what other opportunities are available. You never know when you could find a perfect opportunity that will help you be challenged and professionally fulfilled.

If You Need a Career Change — We Can Help!

If you went through this blog post thinking ‘that’s me!’ it may be time for a career change. Our blog post ‘How To Make A Career Change’ provides a step-by-step guide to help you along the way.

Ready to make a career change but unsure where to go from here, book a consultation with a Certified Career & Resume Strategist to discuss our career coaching services. Click here to book a call.

Contact Lissa at WeApply if you need a career change
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