5 Ways to Stand Out at Work

The corporate environment is often one filled with competition. This can often make it feel like you are drowning while trying to distinguish yourself. There are various reasons you may want to stand out at work including a desire for a raise, being able to take on more responsibility, or simply to improve job security. Here are five ways to stand out at work.  Be…

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4 Ways to Appear More Confident During Job Interviews

Job interviews can be incredibly stressful, particularly if you are really excited about the opportunity before you. It is perfectly fine to be nervous when interviewing. In fact, surveys have shown that more than nine out of every ten people get nervous when interviewing. However, appearing confident in an interview can score you some valuable points. Here are four tips to appear more confident when…

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5 Things I Love About Being an Introvert

People often have the perspective that it is better to be an extrovert rather than an introvert. However, the reality is that both personality types have their own benefits. In a world that often doesn’t emphasize the benefits of introversion, here are five things I love about being an introvert. I Am Introspective and Self-Aware One talent that comes along with my introversion is the…

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Need a Career Change? Here are 5 Signs It’s Time to Change Your Career

If you find yourself thinking ‘I need a career change’ you’re in the right place! Many people find themselves wondering when they should begin looking for a new role or new career. Perhaps you are unsure if you are ready for greater responsibility. Maybe you don’t know the perfect time to pivot to a new industry. Here are five signs that you might need a…

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How to Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn

Once you have established your profile on LinkedIn, an important next step is to start engaging more broadly within the platform. There are a number of ways to do this. However, simply jumping into the platform is not often the best way. Instead, you’ll tend to get more out of it if you take a more strategic approach. How do you do this? Let’s take…

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3 Networking Tips for Introverts

If you are an introvert, the simple thought of networking may send a bit of fear down your spine. The idea of having to network at a large event used to repulse me. The prospect of having small talk conversations with so many people in such a short time was intimidating! The reality is that networking is too important to ignore; however, it doesn’t need…

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The Basics of a LinkedIn Profile

If you are new to LinkedIn, chances are that this site may seem a bit confusing. After all, LinkedIn has significantly grown over the years and has added many features. Understanding LinkedIn starts with understanding your basic profile. Like most social networks, your profile is the first thing you will work with. Let’s take a look at the basics of a LinkedIn profile with some…

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6 Ways to Thrive in Your Career as an Introvert

If you are an introvert, you’ve probably heard so many stereotypes about yourself. After all, many people misunderstand the distinction of being an introvert, ambivert and extrovert. The reality is that being an introvert does not mean you are ineffective at social interactions but rather that you tend to draw energy from solitude and expend energy in social situations. In fact, you can thrive in…

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3 Practices to Abandon When Writing A Modern Resume

Many professionals fail to realize is that resume writing has significantly evolved over time – and continues to do so. Using some of these practices may make your resume look dated. Let’s take a look at three resume writing practices that you need to abandon immediately when writing a modern resume. Objective Statements For a long time, the objective statement was a big trend in…

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How to Get Promoted at Work: 3 Effective Strategies

Do you want to get promoted at work? It is quite popular to think that hard work speaks for itself. After all, your boss surely recognizes how well you perform at work. While hard work is generally noticed, it is not often seen in the way you might hope. You may hope that your hard work will be rewarded with a promotion. However, your employer…

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